Mental Health First Aid


Youth Mental Health First Aid – A 14-hour course delivered over 2 days, Youth MHFA supports adults learning skills to help young people experiencing mental illness.

Areas covered:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Substance Misuse

  • Eating Disorders

  • Psychosis

Adult Mental Health First aid – A 12-hour course delivered over 2 days, Mental Health First Aid is recognised internationally as the foundation mental health literacy package.

Adult Mental Health First Aid supports adults learning skills to help other adults experiencing mental illness.

Areas covered:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Substance Misuse

  • Psychosis

MOAT’s YMHFA training presented at Queen’s College by Bryan Jeffrey (Feb 9-10, 2015) was a tremendous, life-changing experience. I’ve been an educator for over 30 years and even though I already have considerable knowledge about some areas of mental health, the presentation brought all the pieces together and made me realise how much I DIDN’T know. More importantly, the training covered in depth what all youth workers, educators and volunteers SHOULD know. It has been less than 48 hours since the completion of the training and I’ve already been able to apply – on several occasions – some of what I learned. It has been invaluable both professionally and personally. MOAT’s YMHFA training was one of the most useful, important and effective PDs I’ve ever experienced. Thank you for enriching and empowering me as a youth leader and educator; those in my care will be the better for it.
Dr Kathleen McGuire
Director of Music, Queen’s College – The University of Melbourne